Wednesday, November 3, 2010

Halloween Fun (Last Year - '09)

We were definitely able to do so much more decorating last year... So what happened THIS year?  We've had NO RAIN! ~~ Everything outside has remained covered in a thick layer of dust (or dirt).  I can't keep my screened-in back porch clean -- I've pretty much given-up on that.  Last year, I made a "display" of our jack-o-lanterns and decorated pumpins on the back porch and I absolutely loved it!!!  It set the right mood for the beginning of the holiday season!  And sadly, no display was made this year.  (Boo, Hiss)

This is was the first year that I tried painting our pumpkins before carving them... Now I'm HOOKED!

Hard-at-work, cleaning out her painted pumpkin!
  ~ Our Display ~

(before photo editing)

Tatum's jack-o-lantern!

My "girl" turned-out so purdy!  I was so pleased with her! (Awe!)

Betcha can't guess who's idea THIS was... LOL!

 We had a little friendly competion last year ('09) with Jimmy's brother, Ray, and his girlfriend, Kelli...
Ray & Kelli's pumpkin family

 Tatum dressed up as a "Dead Fairy" -- That was her idea and she played-it-out well, as you can see in the following pictures that we took in our front & back yard!

For those who know me, this should come as no surprise!...

Playing with pictures again!

...ALWAYS!!! (LOL)


Dressed in her Halloween outfit for school... They're not allowed to dress in costume :(

Youth weekend for deer hunting -- Bundled-up and ready to GO!

 More pictures of Tatum, dressed up as a dead fairy.  She's so photogenic!


Me & Jimmy @ a good friends' 40th birthday party


Another day of dressing up for school

Like I said, she's SO photogenic!

Ready to go get some CANDY!

A full moon on Halloween night, as Tatum trick-or-treated!
...And that was our 2009 Halloween!...


  1. Oh, come on. Do a post with this year's jacks, at least!

    Aunt Kathy

  2. Oh, yeah: I like 2009's "jack-o-laughin"!

